Other community members have created bindings to use Chipmunk in many other languages. We don't didn't develop or and can't provide support (except for Objective-Chipmunk), but hope that you might find this list useful. Please email us if you have something you'd like listed here.
- Objective-C - Objective-Chipmunk (part of Chipmunk Pro)
- Haskell - Hipmunk
- Python - Pymunk A very actively maintained Python wrapper.
- mRuby - mruby Chipmunk bindings by Corey Powell. (2014)
- Ruby - Ruby Chipmunk Integration for Gosu, which was featured in a 2007 O'Reilly article
- Ruby - Beoran's Ruby bindings Another Ruby binding for Chipmunk 5.3.4.
- Ruby - Chipmunk-ffi FFI based Ruby binding for Chipmunk 5.3.4.
- Ocaml - OCaml-Chipmunk
- Java - Chipmunk-for-Java
- Blitzmax - Blitzmax ChipmunkModule
- C++ - CppChipmunk Auto-generated wrapper.
- C++ - Chipmunk++ Hand-generated wrapper designed to take advantage of many C++0x features.
- C++ - ChipmunkWrapper an older C++ binding.
- Multimedia Fusion - Phizix (click Extensions and scroll down)
- FreeBASIC - FreeBasic binding
- PureBasic - Chipmunk4PB
- Pascal - Pascal binding For FreePascal and Delphi.