Rogue body move issue on Android platform

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Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:10 pm

Rogue body move issue on Android platform

Post by tobby2014 »

Hi all,
I am trying to develop a cross platform game, I use cocos2d-js(javascript) with chipmunk.
I created a rogue body, and try to move it by position.
This is easy and it works well when I debug it at the browser,
but when I compile it to apk and installed to my android mobile,
the rogue body does not move at all.
the codes are like below:

this.body.p.x -= 1; or this.sprite.setPositionY(this.body.p.y + 1);

they all works on browser.But not on android.
I am so confused. I hope someone could help me on this.

I am Chinese and there are not many document about chipmunk.
The worse thing is Chinese government make us not able to access Google in the mainland.
F*** Chinese government!
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:10 pm

Re: Rogue body move issue on Android platform

Post by tobby2014 »

I added the rigid body to a sprite, and tested again.
The body and the sprite moved, but the shape didn't move.
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