Some General Questions

Chipmunk2D Bindings for the Unity3D engine
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Some General Questions

Post by Yukichu »

1. Can you change the default 'plane' for the 2Dness? I presume the XY plane is default; however, since Unity is 3D, can you change the default plane to XZ (or YZ I suppose)?

2. Under the 'Which edition is right for you' webpage well, obviously, it's the Unity edition; however, I don't actually know which of those benefits in the chart apply to the Unity edition as it isn't there.

3. Will there be a Chipmunk2D Unity Pro license at some point, or does the Normal Pro license already encapsulate the Unity license? This is good to know as to whether one should purchase a Pro license instead of a Unity license, or some other decision.

4. Is the Chipmunk2D for Unity multithreaded (probably fits with the pro question, as I see the pro-license for iPhone / etc. uses that NEON newfangleness for multithreading.) If it isn't, are there plans for it? If it is, is it only for the Pro version?

I sent an email about this, but too excited to wait for a reply so I joined the forum to see if I could get some info.
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Re: Some General Questions

Post by AndyKorth »

1. Can you change the default 'plane' for the 2Dness? I presume the XY plane is default; however, since Unity is 3D, can you change the default plane to XZ?
Not yet. This is on our TODO list, but I'm not sure when we'll get to it. It's mostly a lot of API changes for us, and it will involve us touching a lot of code. Sorry I don't have a timeline for this. You are correct that right now, all the action happens in the x-y plane. You can still make a top down game, it just means things in the scene view of the editor will appear sideways until you rotate your view. (Game view will always be right since you've rotated your camera 90 degrees).

2. Under the 'Which edition is right for you' well, obviously, it's the Unity edition; however, I don't actually know which of those benefits in the chart apply to the Unity edition.
We haven't added the Unity edition to the chart, thanks for the reminder!

3. Will there be a Chipmunk2D Unity Pro license at some point, or does the Pro license already encapsulate the Unity license? This is good to know as to whether one should purchase a Pro license instead of a Unity license, or some other decision.
The Chipmunk Pro license does not include Chipmunk2D Unity. It's a separate add on purchase. If you already own Chipmunk Pro, you can upgrade to add Chipmunk for Unity for $40

Chipmunk2D for Unity does include several features that were previously only in Pro:
4. Is the Chipmunk2D for Unity multithreaded (probably fits with the pro question, as I see the pro-license for iPhone / etc. uses that NEON newfangleness for multithreading.) If it isn't, are there plans for it? If it is, is it only for the Pro version?
such as both the NEON optimized vector code, and the multithreaded version. So that's already in Chipmunk2D for Unity.

At this point, the only time you would need the Pro or Studio version of Chipmunk2D AND the Unity version, is if you were compiling your own version of Chipmunk2D for Unity, so you could use it on the more exotic platforms like the playstations and xboxes. (Since we don't have binaries of Chipmunk specifically for those platforms).
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