Activate / passivate bodies

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Activate / passivate bodies

Post by MarkR »


Suppose I have a large world with a lot of bodies in that the player can see only a small part of at any one time. I don't want Chipmunk wasting cycles simulating things happening (or indeed, not happening) a long distance away (especially as those bodies are probably not moving).

Is there a simple way I can make a body passive - stop it taking part in cpSpaceStep until later, then I can reactivate it before the player notices?

Will simply removing the body from the space do, or do the shapes need to be removed as well? If I remove them all, when I add them back is everything expected to work (assuming I keep other references to them in some other structure).

The same is true of static shapes - if I have, say 10,000 static shapes most of which are nowhere near anything going on, is it reasonable to remove them and add them back once they're in play?

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