Cocos2D-JS Chipmunk: One-way platforms?

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Cocos2D-JS Chipmunk: One-way platforms?

Post by jem »


I've started using Cocos2D-JS to port my ObjC/Box2D game. I had to drop B2D and start using Chipmunk. It's great so far. Only thing I can't implement properly is the one-way platform.

Say body "A" is the platform and body "B" is the player. The preSolve phase allowed me to check that:
- B's lowest vertex is at least higher than A's topmost vertex.

This no longer seems possible since it seems (and I most certainly have missed something!) that Box2D provides the source position of both bodies and Chip provides the target position.

n.b. I've found the Unity tutorial ... neway.html and hoped it would work the same with the JS version. Apparently it doesn't seem to work the same (or I just missed something obvious) as I'm always returned the number 1 for the following:

Guidance to properly implement this is very welcome :-)

NB my "solution" so far is to make sure that body B hasn't gone deeper than 10% of its height below body A's surface. Works for low-speed objects. High-speed ones just go through most of the time.
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