API documentation

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API documentation

Post by xylopia »

hi Scott,

I firstly like to thank you so much for your wonderful creation. I'm juggling cocos2d up in thin air w/ very limited experience w/ any kind of physics engine, but I can tell you that your work is more than superb in terms of simplicity and flexibility.

Nonetheless, Chipmunk is still comprehensive enough that just when I think something is necessary for my small proj, it is already there. \o/ Purely awesome.

The issue is that, however, there is no guide whatsoever pointing where "the thingy" I are after so that it takes bazillion years to track down on it, or get a glimpse of it.

It's like a big bro is lying on a couch and I can't see him when I so desperately need him for a push. After a couple hours of me poking around, he barely sticks his head up and say


.... y'know?

I know I haven't donated a dime and this is free and open proj so I'll be more than welcome to walk away if I can't properly handle it, and you're not obligated to do that at all. So, I'm suggesting that you create a some sorta wiki style page ( or w/e it works for that matter ) where at least few ppl you'd permit could comment on the API in chipmunk. so that it could be comprehensive enough to know what exists and what not.

TBH, the wiki or so-called "document" on google in fact does not help Chipmunk to shine and it is worth to pay attention that ppl are going elsewhere to find out how to properly use Chipmunk in its full potential.

Who knows? after a while I wouldn't be too surprised to find out cocos2d is the go-to site for chipmunk?
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