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internal Error:DangLing contact graph pointers detected.(c)

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:59 am
by watsonwan
I'm using chipmunk for cocos2d-x jsbinding.

Xcode has printed error messages :

Aborting due to Chipmunk error:internal Error:DangLing contact graph pointers detected.(c)
Failed confition:next == NULL|| cpArbiterThreadForBody(next,body)->prev==NULL

Re: internal Error:DangLing contact graph pointers detected.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:26 am
by o-simon
I got the same error. Here's how to reproduce it:

Create a space with no gravity.
Set sleeping time to 10.0.
Create a rectangle.
Create a circle.
Set impulse to circle so it heads towards the rectangle.
The circle bounces off the rectangle.
When the circle is far enough reset it. That is, set the position to its initial position, set velocity to zero, set impulse so it heads towards the rectangle.
When the circle hits the rectangle a second time I get:

Internal Error:DangLing contact graph pointers detected. (C)

Should I call a function after resetting the circle?